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Sacred Heart

“To keep me from sin and straying from Him, God has used devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
My life vows destined to be spent in the light irradiating from the tabernacle,and it is to the Heart of Jesus that I dare go for the solution of all my problems”
Pope John XXIII

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

This message draws attention to the Month of the Sacred Heart, when the feast day is celebrated on Friday 23rd June.

Historically, Popes throughout the ages have encouraged devotion to the Sacred Heart. In 1765 the feast was first approved by Clement Xlll for certain areas, and extended to include the whole church in 1856 by Pope Pius lX, and in 1899 in an Encyclical Letter, Pope Leo Xlll dedicated the whole Catholic world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart remains one of the most widespread throughout the Church, and the variety of prayers and intercessions covers many aspects of our lives.

Pope John Paul ll hoped that devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ would be an important element for Catholic life. He said, “For evangelisation today, the Heart of Christ must be recognised as the Heart of the Church. It is He who calls us to conversion, to reconciliation. It is He who leads pure hearts and those hungering for justice, along the way of the Beatitudes. It is He who enables us to adhere to the Good News and to accept the promise of eternal life.

In the Sacred Heart every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In the Divine Heart beats God’s infinite love for everyone, for each one of us individually.”

In June it seems appropriate that in the same month we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, where the Lord gives himself in the Eucharist that the sacrament may bring us salvation and peace.

An act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

HMost sweet Jesus, humbly kneeling at Thy feet, we renew the consecration of our family to Thy Divine Heart. Be Thou our King forever! In Thee we have full and entire confidence. May Thy spirit penetrate our thoughts, our desires, our words and our deeds. Bless our undertakings, share in our joys, in our trials and in our labours. Grant us to know Thee better, to love Thee more, to serve Thee without faltering.

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