Parish Groups
An important aspect of any parish community is the amount of community involvement in the parish. There are many ministries in our parish. If any of those ministries have attracted your attention and you would like to get involved, or even if you would like to learn more about the individual ministries, please email them to St Patrick's Parish.
Below are a list of the parish groups and what they do:
Month | Date |
Advent Tree | Organises the collection and distribution of gifts to those in need. |
Altar Servers | Serve in teams at all parish services. |
Bereavement Group | Support for bereaved families |
Care of All | Is concerned with the organising of a variety of events in the parish. |
Carillon | Bell ringers. |
Census Communication Group | Looks at modern means of communication to proclaim the Gospel to Parishioners. |
Children's Liturgy | Service of the Word for children at 10:00 am mass. |
Choir | Enhance the liturgy of the 12 noon mass. |
Church Banners | Care of church banners |
Church Cleaners | Care and cleaning of the church building. |
Ecumenism | Meeting and sharing with other denominations. |
Editorial Team | Responsible for producing the Bulletin. |
Eucharistic Ministers | Distribution of Eucharist at all masses and communion to the housebound. |
Events Team | Responsible for organising social events in the parish. |
Fabric and Finance | Responsible for the maintaining the fabric of the building and grounds. |
Flower Arrangers | Responsible for the flowers in the church. |
Gardeners | Responsible for the care of the church grounds. |
Legion of Mary | The Legion aims to help Catholic lay-people fulfil their baptismal promises and be able to live their dedication to the Church in an organised structure, supported by fraternity and prayer. A group meets and works weekly in the parish. |
Library | Is open every Sunday before and after mass. |
Men's Group | Opportunity to meet and support. |
Messengers | A group of volunteers who undertake to deliver the 'Latest' to each family in the parish. |
Music Group | Lead in the singing at the 10:00 am mass on Sunday. |
Passkeepers | Supports the Parish Priest in matters that concern the pastoral life of the parish. |
Readers | Assist by reading at daily and Sunday masses. |
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults | This small group of parishioners share their faith with persons who have expressed an interest in learning more about the Catholic faith. | Senior Citizens | Meets in the church hall for social activities every Thursday at 1.30 pm from September to June. |
Spiritual Life Group | This group meets to prepare the liturgy throughout the year and organise para-liturgical events. |
St Anne's Prayer Shawl Group | Knit prayer shawls on request for sick and those in need. Each stitch is knitted with a prayer. |
St Francis Prayer Group | Meets monthly in the parish. |
St Vincent de Paul | The SVDP support the poor of the parish and visit the housebound and sick in hospital. They also arrange transport for frail senior citizens to enable them to get to mass. |
Toddlers Parents, babies and toddlers | Meet every Friday morning in the church hall |
Youth Clubs | Meets every Tuesday at the church hall from 6.15 pm - 7.45 pm for children from P5 to P7 and 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm for S1 onwards - Group Sharing, Community work and working with Mini Vinnies and Junior SSVP. Lots of activities to enjoy. |