The parish works together with the local Catholic School – St Patrick’s Primary School - and home to prepare your child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There is a series of preparatory class work, family work and Masses to prepare the children, the year before they receive the Sacrament. This generally takes place at the beginning of Lent in primary 3.
The children will be confirmed when they are in primary 7. Again the preparation for them receiving the Sacrament involves the Family, the School and the parish. The Bishop is the ordinary minister of this sacrament.
Sacrament of the Sick
This used to be called Extreme Unction and was administered in danger of death. In more recent years it is administered before operations, when someone is sick and, together with prayers for the dying, when someone is in anger of death.
There is a special Mass once a year at which the sacrament is administered to all those who request it.
If you wish to be anointed, please contact the priest and ask him to visit.
The housebound regularly receive communion from parish Eucharistic ministers and the priest calls round the sick a few times each year.
Holy Orders
There will always be a need for priests and religious in the Church. Priests are needed to serve the Church in its mission of proclaiming the word of God and administering the Sacraments.
For more information talk to a priest or a nun.
Some websites: