First of all, congratulations on the birth of your child.
Just as this is an important event in the life of your family, so it is an important event in the life of the family of St Patrick's and we would like to celebrate this with you as part of that family.
In St Patrick’s Baptism takes place on most Sundays of the year at 1.15pm. If you wish to have a child baptised in St Patrick’s we ask that you come along to a preparatory talk which takes place on the last Friday of the month in the Chapel house at 7.30pm. This is followed by a Mass at which you and your child are welcomed to the parish and your child receives the first anointing. This usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month at the 10.00am.
You can download a form here (pdf format) which you should bring along to the meeting. Alternatively, forms will be provided at the meeting for you to fill out then.
If you have any further questions then please email us at St Patrick's Parish
If you are not in St Patrick's parish but wish your child to be baptised here, then we ask that you speak to the parish priest of your own parish first and get his written approval.
Special Baptism Cake and Prayer
Blessed are You, eternal God, King of the universe: You have called us in Jesus to be Your beloved people, living pure and blameless lives in Your sight.
We ask you to Bless these family who ask for your grace. Let your Spirit guide their words and deeds, so that they may know joy in life and so that their light may shine before all and lead all who know them to give You praise.
May their home be filled with the spirit of love, with the obedience of faith, and the strength of hope. Make their lives happy in Your service, and bring them in Your love to rejoice together forever in your eternal home.
And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit come down upon you and remain with you for ever. Amen